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Neither this website, nor this form use cookies. No, really, they don’t use any. Check your cache, use the developer tools in your favourite browser. I’m not afraid of you poking around. You may have noticed the site doesn’t have advertising either. It doesn’t track your movements, or mysteriously turn up in your search results or on other pages you visit after this one.

That means if you’re looking forward to “targeted advertising”, “helping us make a better experience”, monitoring, tracking, having your data sold to the highest bidder, or any other shifty transfer of your information to places and for reasons you know nothing about and wouldn’t consent to if you knew—you’re in the wrong place.

You and I have an agreement here. This is it:

1. When you send me a message through this form, whether it’s feedback, a bug report, a request for support or a cry for help—they’re all messages to me. In order to process and respond to them, I ask only for the most essential information.

2. To communicate back and forth I ask you for your preferred name and email address. To help me filter the messages and deal with them as efficiently and accurately as possible, I ask you to choose the type of message you’re sending. And once the basics are taken care of, the most important thing is to hear what you have to say.

3. The information you send through this form helps me to:

4. There are no third parties involved. Your information will never be sold.

5. If you get in touch to say something nice about Osmo, I might be interested in using a quote from your message as a testimonial. If that’s the case, I will ask your permission before using it.

6. Not all messages received through this form need (or warrant) a response. Please be nice. Abusive, aggressive, hateful or otherwise strongly offensive messages will be routed into the bin. Genuine support, bug report and feedback messages normally receive a response within 48 hours unless unforeseen circumstances make it impossible—stuff can happen.

But wait… there’s more! Check out the general privacy policy for Osmo too if you like.